BIRD - RoA with aggregated prefixes - issue

Javor Kliachev jkliachev at
Mon Jul 13 08:32:16 CEST 2020


We're using BIRD 1.6.4 as Route Server. 

Recently we have implemented ROA prefix validation but we have hit the issue with prefixes that are aggregated only. 

What do I mean: When the prefix is aggregate and has something like 1234 { 10, 20 } in AS_PATH in last asn, bgp_path.last value returns zero ( 0 ). As result of this we just discarding such prefixes. 

Our approach is the following: 

1) We're using static RoA tables with prefixes for example: 

roa table r1234 { 
roa max 32 as 1234; 
roa max 32 as 1234; 
roa max 32 as 1234; 

2) Then create a different function for each member like this and applying it on each protocol BGP as latest function: 

function AS1234_roa() { 

if roa_check(r1234, net, bgp_path.last) = ROA_INVALID then { 

print "ROA check failed: invalid prefix - ", net, " origin ASN ", bgp_path.last , " - AS-PATH", bgp_path , " via ", proto; return false; 


if roa_check(r1234, net, bgp_path.last) = ROA_UNKNOWN then { 

print "ROA check failed: unallowed prefix - ", net, " origin ASN ", bgp_path.last , " - AS-PATH", bgp_path , " via ", proto; return false; 

return true; 

Could someone BIRD developer to suggest some solution for this issue? 
Thanks in advance! 

Javor Kliachev 
Senior Engineer IP Services 
office: +359 2 974 33 11 
mobile: +359 885 98 84 95 
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