How to make BIRD use the kernel routing metric?

Lukas Liebig lukas.liebig91 at
Wed Nov 14 08:21:12 CET 2018


I use BIRD 2.0.2 and want the OSPF daemon to announce the Linux kernel
routing metric. For instance, if I run "ip route add table 44 to
metric 1234 dev eth0", I want this route to propagate into BIRD. Therefore
I use the kernel protocol configured like this:

protocol kernel {
    ipv4 {
        export all;
        import all;
    kernel table 44;
    scan time 10;

My OSPF instance reads data from table master4. "show ospf state" displays
my kernel route as "external", but with "metric2 10000". According to the
documentation I
tried to use metric 0; but without any effect. Do I overlook something

Best regards
Lukas Liebig
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