BIRD on FreeBSD 9.2 (amd64) - OSPF is not putting routes in the routing table

Raphael Mazelier raph at
Thu Nov 21 22:57:39 CET 2013

Le 21/11/2013 21:42, Claude Marinier a écrit :
> Here is some text from the documentation : 3.3 Protocol Options
>      import all | none | filter name | filter { filter commands } | ...
>          Specify a filter to be used for filtering routes coming from the
>          protocol to the routing table. all is shorthand for where true and
>          none is shorthand for where false. Default: all.
>      export filter
>          This is similar to the import keyword, except that it works in the
>          direction from the routing table to the protocol. Default: none.
> In my case, the protocol is OSPF. I want to copy routes learned by the
> protocol to the routing table. The documentation says to use import
> but you are saying export. Which is correct?
You are not the first, and probably not the last which are confused with 
import and export term in bird.
The import and export are from the routing table point of view.
So for each protocol :
- you *import* route from the protocol to the bird routing table
- you *export* route to the protocol from the birdrouting table

Reminber also, that the bird routing table is not the kernel routing table.

In your case, you want something like this :

kernel {
import none;
export all;

ospf {
import all;

I hope this is not the opposite :)


Raphael Mazelier

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