IPv6 prefix set

Damien Clabaut damien.clabaut at corp.ovh.com
Tue Aug 15 16:33:02 CEST 2017


I am trying to use prefix-set inside a filter in IPv6:

filter my_filter6
prefix set my_prefixset6;
   my_prefixset6 = [aaaa:bbbb:100:ff::/56];
   if (net ~ my_prefixset6) then {
     bgp_local_pref = 104;



But I get the following error:

BIRD 1.6.3 ready.
bird> configure check

Invalid network prefix: aaaa:bbbb:100:ff::/56.

Am I doing anything wrong ?

Also, the prefix set is dynamically updated via script, is there a 
correct way to handle the case where it is empty ?

Or should the scripts comment the definition of prefix-set and the 
complete "if" block ?


Damien Clabaut
R&D vRouter

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