One bird VM (HA cluster) or two bird VMs (iBGP).

Volodymyr Pidgornyi vp at
Wed Feb 26 19:08:15 CET 2025

That was the second remark :)

However, RSes can be run in VMs, the only question is about RIB size and 
updates rate.

26.02.2025 19:53, Alarig Le Lay via Bird-users:
> I completely agree. I wouldn’t try to rely on something as shady as
> virtualisation “HA” when something as simple as iBGP and VRRP is
> available. I would even try to put my routers outside of any VM.
> On Wed 26 Feb 2025 19:23:27 GMT, Volodymyr Pidgornyi wrote:
>> Hi.
>> You would not install single bird instance on vmware HA cluster since
>> you'll get sessions flaps when instance restart on falures. Right way is
>> to run two different instances on different cluster nodes with HA
>> deactivated for these instances and setup sessions from each bird instance.
>> 26.02.2025 19:11, Mike Neo:
>>> Hi,
>>> I have one global operator and one IX via BGP and I'm wondering
>>> whether to set up one bird VM based on vmware HA cluster or two bird
>>> VMs without vmware HA cluster but located on separate nodes and
>>> connected via iBGP.
>>> Of course, the iBGP connection allows for easy bird/VM updates but may
>>> generate potential problems with iBGP and VRRP. However, if there is
>>> one bird VM based on the vmware HA cluster, then in the event of a
>>> node failure, it is necessary to wait until the machine is restarted
>>> on the second node and until the prefixes from peers are loaded.
>>> What are your experiences with this?
>>> Thanks in advance,
>>> Mike
>> -- 
>> Volodymyr Pidgornyi
>> Digital Telecom-IX LLC
>> Mob.: +380(68)3344222
>> URL:
Volodymyr Pidgornyi
Digital Telecom-IX LLC
Mob.: +380(68)3344222

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