Running BIRD on different namespaces

Zagorski, Michal mzagorsk at
Wed May 8 09:47:27 CEST 2024

Hi Vishakha, 
Bird daemon uses UNIX domain socket bird.ctl and cannot be shared between instances.
You can use option -s  to change socket file. Similarly for running birdc.
In your example:

sudo ip netns exec netns1 bird -c /etc/bird/bird1.conf -s /run/bird1.ctl
sudo ip netns exec netns2 bird -c /etc/bird/bird2.conf -s /run/bird2.ctl
should work fine. Then to use cli for bird running in netns1, you should call
sudo birdc -s /run/bird1.ctl
and sudo birdc -s /run/bird2.ctl for bird running in netns2.


From: Bird-users <bird-users-bounces at> On Behalf Of Vishakha Hegde
Sent: Wednesday, May 8, 2024 9:27 AM
To: bird-users at
Subject: Running BIRD on different namespaces


Hi all,

I'm looking for some guidance on running two separate instances of BIRD in two different network namespaces. Do you think it's better to specify two different config files for each namespace, or can I manage both instances using a single config file?

I've tried using the following commands to run different config files:
sudo ip netns exec netns1 bird -c /etc/bird/bird1.conf
sudo ip netns exec netns2 bird -c /etc/bird/bird2.conf
But it gives the error: I found another BIRD running, so it looks like BIRD can have only a single process running at once.
Any insights on how to resolve this?


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