BGP Confederation Internal ASN Filtering and is_bogon() Functionality in New BIRD Version

Maria Matejka maria.matejka at
Sat Jun 1 16:36:09 CEST 2024

Hello Brandon,

On Thu, May 30, 2024 at 09:52:53PM +0800, Brandon Zhi wrote:
> I am writing to inquire about the capabilities of the new version of BIRD
> regarding BGP Confederation internal ASNs. Specifically, I would like to
> know:
> 1. Can the new BIRD version filter BGP Confederation internal ASNs?
> 2. Does it support calculating the total AS path length, including internal
> ASNs within a BGP Confederation?

You are probably looking for something like `bgp_path.filter()` or
`bgp_path.len`, or maybe `for int p in bgp_path do { … }`

> Additionally, I have encountered an issue while using the `is_bogon()`
> function. It currently filters a route with the AS path (65000) 398741. I
> suspect this is because (65000) is being treated as a BOGON ASN.
> Below is the `define BOGON_ASNS` I am using:
> ```plaintext
> define BOGON_ASNS = [
>     0,                      # RFC 7607
>     23456,                  # RFC 4893 AS_TRANS
>     64496..64511,           # RFC 5398 and documentation/example ASNs
>     64512..65534,           # RFC 6996 Private ASNs
>     65535,                  # RFC 7300 Last 16 bit ASN
>     65536..65551,           # RFC 5398 and documentation/example ASNs
>     65552..131071,          # RFC IANA reserved ASNs
>     4200000000..4294967294, # RFC 6996 Private ASNs
>     4294967295              # RFC 7300 Last 32 bit ASN
> ];
> ```

Yes, this includes 65500. I can't see your `is_bogon()` function
definition though so I can't help you more.

Hoping that this helps.


Maria Matejka (she/her) | BIRD Team Leader | CZ.NIC, z.s.p.o.
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