bfd session only some UP

LIU Chris chris-zq.liu at
Mon Dec 2 23:11:30 CET 2024

Classified as: {Hitachi Rail - Public}

I configured 4 bfd sessions like below, but 3 sessions are up,
I check many times, those 4 session seems no any difference.
I used birdc command to check
"birdc show bfd sessions session"
only 3 sessions, 1 session not list here. Why I configured, bird not take it.

The stranger thing: even I comment out 3 sessions in conf file, just leave one,  kill bird daemon,  restart bird,
Use birdc to check bfd sessions, still same,  the 3 sessions are up,
It seems bird not read configuration file again.
What would the issue be ?

# Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD)
protocol bfd BFD_CTI {
        interface "*" {
                min rx interval  500000 us;
                min tx interval  500000 us;
                idle tx interval 1500000 us;
                multiplier 5;
        neighbor xx.xx.xx.xx local yy.yy.yy.yy;
        neighbor a.b.c.d local e.h.i.j;
       neighbor h.i.j.k local o.p.q.r;
       neighbor s.t.a.b local  u.w.u.j;

Chris LIU

{Hitachi Rail - Public}
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