О(log n^2) config parser time regression in 2.0.11

Yanko Kaneti yaneti at declera.com
Tue Apr 25 23:28:59 CEST 2023


The recent bird1 EOL announcement nudged me to try a 1 to 1 (or close to
it) migration of a legacy 1.6 config to 2.0. Without using any of the
fancy new 2.0 features to keep things lazy.

The old config has a giant 100M generated case statement in a function.
Turns out with 2.0.11 and later (bisected to 

    1ac8e11b: Filter: Implement mixed declarations of local variables

) the config parser of the entire config couldn't finish in reasonable
time. Came up with the following test bash+perl script demonstrating the
issue. It generates a sequence of configs and test them with bird -p.

pscript=$(cat <<'EOF'
print "protocol device {};\n";
print "function origin_chk() {\n\tcase bgp_path.last {\n";
for ($i = 1; $i <= $ARGV[0]; $i++) {
    print "$i: if net ~ [\n\t10.20.30.0/24\n] then return true ;\n";
print "} return false;\n}\n";
TCONF=`mktemp --suffix=.conf`
for NCASES in `seq 2000 2000 20000`; do
	perl -e "$pscript" $NCASES > $TCONF
	echo -n  "$NCASES "
	{ time -p ./bird -c $TCONF -p ; } 2>&1 | head -n1
#	rm $TCONF

Following is a comparison of the times between 1ac8e11b and 1ac8e11b^

         1ac8e11b  1ac8e11b^
2000 real   0.10      0.00
4000 real   0.39      0.01
6000 real   0.90      0.01
8000 real   1.92      0.02
10000 real  4.16      0.03
12000 real  7.78      0.03
14000 real 12.61      0.04
16000 real 18.84      0.04
18000 real 26.74      0.05
20000 real 36.39      0.03

Don't grok Flex/Bison at all so that was the extent of my

- Yanko

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