Projects using Bird as routing engine

Douglas Fischer fischerdouglas at
Tue Oct 18 16:13:08 CEST 2022

I don't know if such a thing already exists...
But I thought it would be interesting to have some kind of survey of
projects that use BIRD at some point in their structure.

I know for example that uses BIRD as a routing
Or that has the possibility to use FRR or BIRD as a
routing engine.

I think it's worth mentioning that Bird has a presence in route-collectors
projects... But which ones? Where?

In IXP? Well... This is BIRD land.
I think we can estimate that more than 80% of IXPs use BIRD as the
Route-Servers engine.
I remember seeing a place that said which route-servers from which IXPs ran
with which BGP engine. But I couldn't find that link easily.

But still within the scope of IXPs and Route-Servers, there are projects
like based on the framework it provides to
those who adopt it.
As well as BIRD appears to be the main choose engine at .

Is it worth mentioning BIRD being used by Netflix in Open Connect

I remember recently seeing a project for an Internet Transit Provider
system, but I don't remember the name of the blessed project.

Does anyone else remember anything else that uses BIRD?
Would it be interesting to put this information on some public page?

Douglas Fernando Fischer
Engº de Controle e Automação
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