hardware recommandation for internet scale route-reflectors

Nicolas Piatto nico at lodpp.net
Tue Nov 8 15:50:28 CET 2022


I'm looking for help on sizing hardware to use BIRD as route-reflectors.

We have multiple routers with N x Transit providers (internet fullview 
v4/v6) and N x IXPs.

We plan to replace our existing HW based on vendor routers to Software 
based routers. Obvious reason is performance/compute BGP updates on x86 
boxes are supposed to be much better than limited router CPU/RAM.

We want also to add some diversity in our RR setup, choice is not made 
yet but we plan to try routing VM from Cisco/Arista/Juniper vRR solution 
on one side and BIRD on the other side.

2 software providers means more work... but we suppose that if a bug is 
found on one side, the other one won't have it.

Quick specs:

- AF v4/v6 unicast, v4/v6 flowspec .

- BGP add-path.

- 50/100 peers, some are edge routers with internet scale, other are 
internal routers with only a limite subset of routes.

- We want to implement BMP in a near future (does not seems avail in 
BIRD yet)

I wonder if this would fit for BIRD router box, with some room for 
future growth in the DFZ.

- CPU: Xeon gold 3,2GHz 8cores/16threads

- RAM: 32 or 64gb

How would BIRD behave with such HW specs ? is it overkill ?

Thanks in advance for you help/comment


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