BIRD 2.0.8 packaging update

Jakub Ružička jakub.ruzicka at
Wed Apr 14 15:02:23 CEST 2021

Hello BIRD Community!

Latest bird-2.0.8 is available from most current downstream distro repos

* Arch
* Fedora
* Gentoo
* Manjaro
* NixOS
* OpenBSD

You can use repology to get an overview:

# Debian

Debian is currently in Hard Freeze before 11/Bullseye release and thus
updating bird2 package to 2.0.8 is problematic (it lacks autopkgtests):

Current Maintainer of Debian bird2 package Ondřej Surý has agreed to
pass the maintenance to me but I don't have access yet. Once I gain it
I'll release bird2-2.0.8 in experimental and eventually keep
debian/master up-to-date after  the freeze ends.

The Community is also working on providing Debian backports for Debian

Until proper downstream packages are ready, I've prepared upstream
packages for Debian 9, 10 and 11 in new bird-latest OBS repos:

However, OBS "Download Package" link is currently missing instructions
for Debian for some reason:

It's either a bug in OBS or a slow propagation of new repo. I'm trying
to resolve this on #opensuse-buildservice but for now you're left to
your Debian-fu in enabling these repos.

# Ubuntu

I've updated BIRD launchpad PPA with upstream bird2-2.0.8 packages for
all current Ubuntu releases:

I've tested all of these packages lightly on respective Ubuntu VMs. They
installed successfully and bird service started.

Ubuntu uses Debian bird packages so once they're updated in Debian,
Ubuntu downstream should pick them up.

# openSUSE

bird-2.0.8 is available from openSUSE Tumbleweed.

I've prepared new bird-latest OBS to cover remaining SUSE platforms:

Please use "Download Package" link (top right) to enable:

# upstream packaging

All the upstream packages were created from official 2.0.8 archive using
modified downstream sources from Debian and Fedora.

Please note that I had to disable -docs subpackages to get working
builds on older systems as well as other tweaks like relaxing deps.

I've prepared an upstream MR adding packaging in apkg format directly to
upstream repo:

In short it allows building upstream packages directly from upstream
sources or from upstream archives(tarballs) or combination of both, see
more info in the MR.

More work is required for building from sources, but I was able to use
apkg to create packages for different .deb/.rpm distros from official
upstream archives.

Best Regards,
Jakub Ružička
CZ.NIC packager 📦

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