OSPF v3 DR - intra-area-prefix LSA generation

Bala Sajja bssajja at gmail.com
Thu Nov 12 14:33:13 CET 2020

I am running bird 2.0.7. Seeing issue with respect to ipv6 address
add/delete on DR. This added/deleted ipv6 address prefix convergence is not
happening  till LSA refresh timer fires .

Topology contains  3 routers connected to a switch. Say IPV6 addresses
configured on Routers R1(1111::100/64), R2(2222:200/64),R3(3333::300/64).

If we are deleting ipv6 addresses other than DR, I could see
intra-area-prefix generated by DR and all routers converged with respect to
add/deleted ipv6 addresses.

With the below change, I could see intra-area-prefix LSA generated on DR
also when ipv6 address added/deleted on DR.  Please advise if this fix
is  correct ?

--- a/bird-2.0.7/proto/ospf/iface.c

+++ b/bird-2.0.7/proto/ospf/iface.c

@@ -1187,6 +1187,8 @@ ospf_ifa_notify3(struct proto *P, uint flags, struct
ifa *a)

        /* RFC 5340 4.4.3 Event 5 - prefix added/deleted */



+       if(ifa->state == OSPF_IS_DR)

+         ospf_notify_net_lsa(ifa);



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