RPKI support without SSH transport

Clemens Schrimpe clemens.schrimpe at gmail.com
Thu Jan 9 15:07:15 CET 2020

Ahoj BIRD Parents -

I was wondering if there is a reason, why BIRD 2.0.x can't be built for RPKI support without libssh, although RPKI-RTR would also work on an unencrypted transport (as documented in the BIRD user documentation).

I am asking, because I am building BIRD for a hardware router platform (Ubiquiti's EdgeRouters) and including libssh is, although doable, a real pain-in-the-rear, depending on the OS version and hardware architecture (4 variants in the EdgeOS world at the moment).

Without libssh, which drags a whole slew of other library-crap behind it 🙄, BIRD is pretty lightweight and very easy to deploy.

Just curious ...

Thanks a lot (again) for this great piece of software!


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