Debian packages for BIRD2

Eugene Crosser crosser at
Mon May 13 09:05:09 CEST 2019

On 13/05/2019 08:12, Kees Meijs wrote:

> Thank you for pointing that out and will do in a few weeks when Buster's
> stable.

From my standpoint, the main problem with the current state of things is that
the "normal" upgrade path from 1.6 to 2.0 does not work. Neither can one install
both versions in parallel. That is because both branches use configuration file
with the same /path/name, but syntax is different. This fact makes upgrade in a
large system a precarious process.

This could be mitigated by either changing the config file path in the 2.x
packages, or by providing automatic conversion in postinstall (the latter being
difficult and dangerous, so better stick with the former).

> I'm not sure how the process works exactly in terms of backports, but
> maybe it makes sense to provide the bird2 package via stretch-backports
> as well? That is, if Buster is considered stable.

Stretch backport would be very very welcome!



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