How to determine when reconfiguration is complete?

Patrick Schaaf bof at
Wed Jun 5 07:22:50 CEST 2019

On Tue, Jun 4, 2019 at 9:08 PM Cybertinus <bird at> wrote:
> What I do on my Bird 1.6.4 install is run `ip r | wc -l` and check if I
> have a full table in the kernel routing table. A second method I use is
> check if the Bird process doesn't use a single CPU core anymore. I use
> htop for this, but other cli monitoring tools could be used too.

Funny, we're doing pretty much the same, even automated, to only
enable BGP towards inside clients (and send them a default route) once
a full table has been received.

For an efficient implementation, as "ip r" takes quite a while with a
full table, we found that there's a nice compount counter in
/proc/net/fib_triestat (Prefixes), which is what we actually use.

best regards

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