How to determine when reconfiguration is complete?

Cybertinus bird at
Tue Jun 4 21:04:39 CEST 2019

Hello Kenth,

What I do on my Bird 1.6.4 install is run `ip r | wc -l` and check if I 
have a full table in the kernel routing table. A second method I use is 
check if the Bird process doesn't use a single CPU core anymore. I use 
htop for this, but other cli monitoring tools could be used too.

A line in the logging would be useful indeed :).

Kind regards,

On 2019-06-04 18:31, Kenth Eriksson wrote:
> Hi!
> How can I tell when bird is done with reconfiguration? E.g. bird can
> respond: "Reconfiguration in progress", but how do you know when it is
> ready? Invoking configure again will trigger full re-configure again I
> guess?
> Thanks,
> Kenth

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