BIRD 2.0.4 (with RPKI support) in EPEL 7/8 (for RHEL/CentOS 7/8)

Robert Scheck bird at
Wed Jul 24 15:37:41 CEST 2019

Hello all,

BIRD 2.0.4 (with RPKI support) is available in EPEL 7 and 8 (for RHEL/
CentOS 7 and 8). And there is also a package in EPEL 6, but without RPKI
due to too old libssh version in RHEL/CentOS 6.

 - RHEL/CentOS 7: yum install --enablerepo=epel-testing bird2
 - RHEL 8:

Please note that the packaging is slightly different related to upstream's
RPM packages (e.g. BIRD drops root privileges and its configuration files
and directories are not world readable; /run/bird/bird.ctl socket rather
/var/run/bird.ctl), but it also covers more architectures (x86_64, aarch64,
ppc64le; and EL8 even s390x).

The BIRD package for EPEL 8 is likely to enter the regular repository once
there is one, currently the best for RHEL 8 is to grab the build directly
from the buildsystem (or the koji buildsystem repo).


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