OSPF wireguard fallback

chrono chrono at open-resource.org
Thu May 3 15:31:47 CEST 2018

> [ ... ]
> just to be sure that not wireguard is the problem here, how looks your
> AllowedIPs within the wireguard config?
> Maybe it does not allow traffic of the routers?

That may be so, currently I only have each opposite site in there

AllowedIPs = (on
AllowedIPs = (on

During my prior tests it started to try to route
everything down via wg0 when I tried to add or as soon
as the tunnel got up.

How should wg config be set up for this, so that it
doesn't interfere with BIRD routing?
I've tried to find any working example with
BIRD and WG on the net but there was nothing really :/

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