OSPF ptmp

Борис Коваленко b.ju.kovalenko at gmail.com
Sun Feb 5 10:38:20 CET 2017


Trying to run bird on ethernet interface with type = ptmp. Yes, I know that
ethernet is broadcast interface, but there is a good practice to use ptmp
on ethernet. I found a strange bug. When type = ptmp, bird sends only one
Hello packet and then stops (and even receive?) next packets until I fully
restart bird, while other side (cisco or mikrotik) sends packets every 10s
(as configured).
There is no problems with type = broadcast

Here is my simple test configuration:
protocol ospf main_ospf {
    import      all;

    instance id         0;
    tick                5;

    area {
       networks {

        interface "lo1" {
            type        ptp;
            hello       60;
            retransmit  10;
            dead        30;

        interface "em0.102" {
            cost                10;
            type                ptmp;
            hello               10;
            retransmit          5;
            dead                40;
            authentication      cryptographic;
            password    "XXXXX" {
                id              1;
                algorithm       keyed md5;

Bird 1.6.3

With regards,


С уважением,
Борис Коваленко
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