bird 2.0.0 issues

Radu Anghel radu.anghel at
Thu Dec 14 19:23:01 CET 2017


I just installed bird 2.0.0 on a test machine to try it out and I have
some issues:
(CentOS 7 / kernel 4.14.5-1.el7.elrepo.x86_64)

1) the kernel protcol sees no routes (both ipv4 and ipv6) and doesn't
export any routes

2) each time I change the config and do a 'birdc conf' it resets all BGP
sessions and logs

bird: Cannot reconfigure channel XXX.ipv4
bird: Cannot remove channel XXX.ipv4
bird: Restarting protocol XXX

3) can't establish BGP with bird 1.6.3 if I have add paths on; on the
session - 2.0.0 says: "BGP Error: Malformed attribute list" and 1.6.3:
"Socket: Connection closed". add paths on; works between two bird 2.0.0.

Could these be caused by kernel or *lib versions or are these bugs in bird?



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