Possibility of adding bgpsec code to the BIRD repo.

Michael Baer baerm at tislabs.com
Thu Mar 3 20:52:42 CET 2016

I had a question for the development team.  My group, and me specifically,
have been working on adding BGPsec support into the BIRD code base.  We
initially hoped to have it merged into the standard BIRD repository and
are getting to the point when that would be appropriate.  The main
question I have is, are you interested in looking at and/or merging the
code into your repo, optimally sometime in the next 2-3 months?

As background, the current version is built on the BIRD 1.4.5 code base
and the BGPsec code can be included, or not, at build time.  A slightly
older version of the code is available at: http://bgpsec.tislabs.com/.
There is still some final updates to the protocol being completed at the
IETF. I would want to update the code to that version of the protocol
(which is very likely the final version) as well as merge it with the
1.5 code base over the next month or two.


Michael Baer
baerm at tislabs.com

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