OSPF state inconsistency

Przemyslaw Frasunek przemyslaw at frasunek.com
Sun Feb 21 14:38:21 CET 2016

> Interesting. Could you send me output of 'show ospf state',
> 'show ospf lsadb' and 'show route' when the situation happens?

Sure. I'll grab it on next opportunity.

> How OSPF learns subscriber routes? From the kernel proto? I don't see any
> non-OSPF route on 'birdc show route' below, but there should be at least
> one for the current session.

Yes, subscriber routes are added to kernel by mpd5 and then imported by BIRD.
Recently, I patched mpd5 to delete subscriber route before adding new one. It
helped a bit and now inconsistency happens only few times per month.

> You have 'preference 10' for OSPF, this is the same as the default
> preference for kernel protocol. That is unreliable, you should ensure
> that kernel protocol has higher preference than OSPF, if you want to
> export kernel routes to OSPF.

Thanks, I'll change preference for OSPF.

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