IPv6 BGP debugging

Alexander V. Chernikov melifaro at FreeBSD.org
Wed Apr 9 21:10:11 CEST 2014

On 09.04.2014 13:36, Peter Andreev wrote:
> Hi everybody,

> I'm trying to set up bird 1.4.2 on FreeBSD 9.1 and stuck on the
> following:
> bird> sh pro name     proto    table    state  since       info 
> kernel1  Kernel   master   up     13:10:06 device1  Device   master
> up     13:10:06 NICbr1   BGP      master   up     13:10:28
> Established NICbr2   BGP      master   up     13:10:29
> Established PTTlg    BGP      master   start  13:10:24    Connect
> Socket: Invalid argument MLPA1    BGP      master   start  13:10:24
> Connect       Socket: Operation timed out MLPA2    BGP      master
> start  13:10:24    Connect       Socket: Invalid argument MLPA3
> BGP      master   start  13:12:51    OpenConfirm   BGP Error: Hold
> timer expired MLPA4    BGP      master   start  13:10:24    Connect
> Socket: Invalid argument STATIC_BGP Static   master   up
> 13:10:06
> All these BGP protocols are inherited from one template. The only 
> difference is that those are established, use another source
> address which is configured on virtual interface.
> However my question is how to find out what's going on and how to
> detect a problem? Setting "log syslog all;" is not very helpful -
> it only fills the log file with a lot of "bird6: KRT: Error sending
> route 2c0f:fb50::/0 to kernel: No such process" messages.
You can look at detailed protocol status via
"show protocol [nam] all"
You can enable appropriated level of per-protocol debug (e.g. add
"debug { events, states };" to protocol config.

> -- Is there any problem Exterminatus cannot solve? I have not found
> one yet.

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