Fwd: OSPF segfault

1 Игорь iggorok at yandex.ua
Tue Sep 24 21:02:11 CEST 2013

>   I guess that OSPF iface option 'rx buffer large' should also fix this.
>   Could you try it? But definitely, it shouldn't crash even without this.

Thank you. Of course it's helps. The only thing i could do is http://bit.ly/1alMqek
Just one question: do i need to add this option on interfaces to core? Now i have no problem with them.

>   Could you get core dump of crashed BIRD for me? (i.e. run BIRD with
>   ulimit -c unlimited get it crashed.)

core : http://yadi.sk/d/eRv1MON09qKHx

In gdb i have seen http://pastebin.com/kqsAM01L

What about /32 secondaries? Can I avoid OSPF from learning them.

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