More IPSEC routes for OSPF

Eliezer Croitoru eliezer at
Mon Nov 18 02:29:26 CET 2013

Hey Iain,

Nice to know these little details.
I would say that it is good to ask instead of wondering in the "unknown" 
place of thinking by yourself.
I have seen that some afraid to ask and they are left by them-selfs for 
weeks trying to figure out something so tiny which somebody already 
"just know".

With hope you would be able to find a reasonable solution that fits you.

Best Regards,

On 17/11/13 22:14, Iain wrote:
> Sorry, yes - I should have made that clearer.  I’m using the netkey stack with OpenSWAN, which does the transforms in the kernel.  The routes become visible on an “ip xfrm show”.
> I’m doing an “ip addr” to list all the local addresses, then an “ipsec auto —status” looking for connections that are up (STATE_QUICK_R2).  I can then pull out the networks on the other side of all the connections.
> I’ve discovered how to get OpenSWAN to allow multiple networks on the other end of the route, but it is difficult to work out what the internal routes look like.
> I’ll try switching to the klips stack and see if this makes the routes visible.  Adding what I thought were the right routes manually didn’t work - this is not really a bird-related problem yet, but more a lack of understanding on my part of how the OpenSWAN routing is working!
> Iain

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