System requirements for BIRD

Ruben Laban r.laban+lists at
Mon Dec 23 12:33:42 CET 2013

On 23-12-2013 12:10, Tigran Zakoyan wrote:
> I failed to find anything regarding the subject. Could somebody give
> some prompts on it?
> Particularily, is a config like
> CPU: intel ATOM D2550
> Dual Core 1.86G 4 thread
> DDR3 4Gb (or 8Gb)  suitable for a 3 GBIT interface BGP router with 2
> full view uplinks?
> I am intending to use something like this:

Bird will run just fine on such hardware. But that's not quite likely 
what you're asking for. You're probably asking if such hardware can 
handle the routing of (multi)gigabit traffic, which is a completely 
different question (bird doesn't route). If all 3 interfaces are filled 
with 64byte packets, it's likely not gonna handle it. As to what the max 
throughput of such a system would, I wouldn't even dare to make a guess. 
As there's just too much variables involved.


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