FreeBSD bugs ;)

Alexander V. Chernikov melifaro at
Mon Jan 16 10:07:10 CET 2012

On 16.01.2012 12:16, Pawel Tyll wrote:
> Hi list,
> After  using  bird  for  some  time  now,  I've found few things that are
> annoying me, or simply break things that should work flawlessly ;)
> bird>  show protocols all [some BGP protocol]
>      Routes:         19186 imported, 2 exported, 84627 preferred
> My guess is that it has something to do with pipes.
> I have multiple pipes that do
> import filter {
>    if proto="[some BGP protocol]" then accept;
>    reject;
> };

Can you send me output of
1) show protocol all [some BGP protocol]
2) show protocol all [some pipe protocol]
3) related parts of configuration file (BGP, pipe, tables, filters) with 

> Problem 2:
> bird's reality:
> ng6 up (index=35)
>          PtP Multicast AdminUp LinkUp MTU=1492
>          local.ip/32 (Primary, opposite, scope univ)
> vlan3372 up (index=36)
>          PtP Multicast AdminUp LinkUp MTU=1492
>          local.ip/32 (Primary, opposite, scope univ)
> ng7 up (index=37)
>          PtP Multicast AdminUp LinkUp MTU=1492
>          local.ip/32 (Primary, opposite, scope univ)
> reality's reality:
> ng4: flags=88d1<UP,POINTOPOINT,RUNNING,NOARP,SIMPLEX,MULTICAST>  metric 0 mtu 1492
>          inet local.ip --> netmask 0xffffffff
> ng6: flags=88d1<UP,POINTOPOINT,RUNNING,NOARP,SIMPLEX,MULTICAST>  metric 0 mtu 1492
>          inet local.ip --> netmask 0xffffffff
> ng7: flags=88d1<UP,POINTOPOINT,RUNNING,NOARP,SIMPLEX,MULTICAST>  metric 0 mtu 1492
>          inet local.ip --> netmask 0xffffffff
> # ifconfig vlan3372
> ifconfig: interface vlan3372 does not exist
> Above happened after I decided that I don't feel like wanting vlan3372
> and  changed  it  to  something  else.  In  the meantime some customer
> decided to open PPPoE session, not knowing this will spell his doom :>
> bird   also   happily  ignores  interface  name changes, which hinders
> nice features such as interface "name*" etc.

Yes, there is a problem.
I'll try to look at this in several days since I need this fixed, too.

> Thanks for reading. :)

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