IPv6 rip-only routing - no exchange of routes

Roman Hoog Antink rha at open.ch
Wed Nov 2 01:41:52 CET 2011

Hi Ondrej

In the meantime please apply my second RIP patch which fixes the same
socket issue for IPv6 as did my last patch for IPv4. See attachment.

The two patches mentioned by Goesta earlier in this thread are my
already applied IPv4 patch and this one.


On 02/11/11 06:36, Ondrej Zajicek wrote:
> You are right, after Roman Hoog Antink sent his patches for RIP, i
> also checked RIPng if it is possible to do some quick fix and found that
> is is broken beyond any repair and probably really never worked (at least
> as specified by RFC).
> Rewrite of RIP is one of my long term plans, but had a low priority
> because of its minimal usage. It would be not so hard (as RIP is pretty
> simple protocol and most research and thinking about it i already did),
> probably worth the effort just to not bother my mind any more :-). 

-------------- next part --------------
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