bird configure error

Ryan Whelan rcwhelan at
Tue Jul 19 03:28:28 CEST 2011

Im getting the error "configure: error: The client requires GNU
readline library 2.1 or newer. Either install the library or use
--disable-client to compile without the client." from the configure
script on a CentOS 5.6 64bit machine.

I have the the readline RPM from the distribution repository as well
as the distributions development package:

# rpm -qa | grep readline

searching the readline header files returns what I think the configure
script is checking for:

# grep rl_callback_read_char /usr/include/readline/*
/usr/include/readline/readline.h:extern void rl_callback_read_char

Adding '-I/usr/include/readline' to the CFLAGS doesn't help.

I feel like I'm missing something obvious but not sure where to turn.
Google has not proven very fruitful.



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