Modify Bird to recognize packet fields

Marco Basaldella basaldella.marco at
Mon Apr 4 18:02:25 CEST 2011

Hi everyone,

I have to modify a router to recognize some special packet fields, in
order to implement a particular protocol we are testing.

I thought I could modify BIRD, since we're using it in our Faculty ( I
am research fellow at the Engineering Department of my University),
but fist of all I'd like to know if is it possible. I've read the wiki
and the Coder's doc, but I haven't found an answer for my question.

Does BIRD have a built-in engine that scans packet fields in ipv4 or
ipv6 headers, or does it rely completely on the underlying
architecture to get packet informations from the interfaces? (i.e.
like other software routers do, like XORP)

Is it possible to do such modifications to BIRD?



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