OSPF fails after birdc "configure"

Roberto Moreda moreda at allenta.com
Mon Jul 18 16:40:03 CEST 2005


Using bird for OSPF I've found that after two fast and consecutive
configuration reloads (using birdc, command "configure") the md5 authentication
fails, logging something like that:

18-07-2005 16:21:16 <ERR> Bad OSPF packet from -
authentification failed
18-07-2005 16:21:16 <ERR> Bad OSPF packet from -
authentification failed

As side effect the bird process on other OSPF nodes die with signal 11 

All works again if bird is restarted on the reconfigured node and on the
others who died.

The password config section on the ospf protocol defined is something

                interface "tun*" {
                        authentication cryptographic;
                        passwords { password "verysecretindeed"; };

Do you any issues on stability of bird using birdc to reload configuration and

Thanks in advance.


Roberto Moreda
Allenta Consulting
UNIX, Linux & Security Services

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