Please Help Me!

Ondrej Filip feela at
Thu Oct 30 12:10:48 CET 2003

On Thu, 30 Oct 2003, Maurizio Paluan wrote:

> Hi All!


> I have some clients that have internet access by a linux machine (RH 
> 8.0) with a NAT. The machine has ip and has connect to two 
> adsl modem that have the follow ip: and the other
> I need to switch automatically the linux machine kernel routing table 
> when a adsl modem go down.
> How can I configure my bird.conf to do this?

Do the modems support dynamic routing?

If not then, BIRD is not handy software for such purpose. It's better to
write a shell script, that periodically pings to Internet. When it fails,
script changes the defaultroute to second modem.

			Kind regards
				Ondrej Filip

> Best Regards,
> Maurizio Paluan

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