failover nat

Me Blah failover_nat at
Sun Apr 22 15:09:56 CEST 2001

we are trying to set up a failover nat. we have a
machine with 3 nics - one for local net, eth1 for T1
and eth2 for dsl. what we are trying to acomplish, is
when T1 link goes down, the kernel routing table gets
updated so that dsl becomes the default gw, and once
dsl goes under, T1 takes its place (it its up). ip
masquerading and local network are set up and
functioning, but the failover mechanism isnt working.
another thing i would like to clarify, is: do i have
to make any changes to the routing table myself, such
as adding default routes by hand, or should bird take
care of that completely by it self?
we use linux redhat 6.2 on x86 machine, kernel 2.2.19
and the latest version of zebra.
thanks so much for any help.


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