Another RIP problem...

Mario Lorenz ml at
Tue Jun 20 03:41:46 CEST 2000

Its getting late, or rather to say early now, and I am tracing
sporadic dials on my setup. What I have seen so far is that they
are caused by sporadic loss of the RIP route.

Sporadic in this case means always after timeout/garbage timer run.
Debug says it kicks the route out because it is too old, and a couple second
later it is back in, most likely from the next broadcast.
Bird is getting the broadcasts. In "show route", said RIP route has an
updated timestamp, and that one gets updated each time a broadcast happens
and the bird log says > ignored ... (because its already there).

A quick examination of the source shows that in this "ignored" case,
the lastmod timestamp gets updated, which is what show route shows.
But the route gets cleaned out according to the lastmodX timer, which does not
get updated. 

Is this a bug or is that mandated behaviour (which I doubt, since it is
silly & causes routing instability...) ?


Mario Lorenz                            Internet:    <ml at>
                                        Ham Radio:   DL5MLO at OK0PKL.#BOH.CZE.EU
 "I hear that if you play the NT 4.0 CD backwards, you get a Satanic message!"
 "That's nothing. If you play it forward, it installs NT 4.0!"

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