BIRD taking 50% CPU with RIP and 90 Routes

Florian Lohoff flo at
Thu Jun 15 13:33:34 CEST 2000

i have seen a very high load produced by bird on one of 
my machines. I am basically using the beneath config.
I think it has something to do with a misconfigured device
not having enabled Split Horizon. The Ascend Max announced
the local ethernet ip address so bird deleted the local ethernet
route but couldnt add the route with a gateway because the
kernel returned "host unreachble". With this configuration
and 12 hours runtime the process grew to 25MB (With only ~90 Routes)
and took at least 50% CPU time. Somebody got an idea ?

Due to a braino myself the machine is now - aehm - unreachable
and about 400km away - I have to get someone to reboot then
ill send logfile output.

log syslog { info, remote, warning, error, auth, fatal, bug };

protocol kernel {
	scan time 120;
	export all;

protocol device {
	scan time 120;

protocol rip ripd {
        debug all;
	interface "eth0" { mode quiet; mode broadcast; };
	honor neighbor;
	authentication none;
	import filter { print "importing"; accept; };
	export filter { print "exporting"; accept; };


Florian Lohoff		flo at		      	+49-waiting-4-telekom
     "If you're not having fun right now, you're wasting your time."

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