Unreachable next-hop over bgp

Alex Bligh alex at alex.org.uk
Wed Aug 17 19:54:11 CEST 2011


--On 17 August 2011 19:47:59 +0200 Adrian Czapek <adrian.czapek at rybnet.pl> 

> That changed in bird 1.3.0 iirc - add 'gateway direct' to your BGP
> configuration in bird (it is set to recursive by default in iBGP, and for
> some reason, it is not working in trivial iBGP setups, always marking
> routes as unreachable :)).

Ah OK thanks. I can add it (and have) but I couldn't work out how bird
was failing to find the nexthop in the FIB in a recursive lookup
but not a direct lookup (i.e. what the "some reason" is). You would
have thought the first case in a recursive lookup would be to try the
direct case!

Alex Bligh

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