IPv6 Template

Wolfgang Hennerbichler wh at univie.ac.at
Wed Mar 17 16:34:22 CET 2010

Hi Ondrejs & Fellow BIRD users, 

I'm currently building the IPv6 Part of our BIRD Configuration Template. I'm trying to build it in the same way as our IPv4 stuff, which is trivial, because I've prepared all the code for a "dual stack" implementation. My question is, what your current best practice is for avoiding martians or unnecessary ipv6 routes (Like the Link Local Range, but I guess there are much more which I currently am not thinking about). 

Like in IPv4 I have this: 
prefix set martians;
  martians = [,,,,, ];
  if net.ip = then return false;
  # Avoid too short and too long prefixes
  if (net.len < 8) || (net.len > 30) then return false;
  if net ~ martians then return false;
  return true;

What is your recommendation for that?


PS: I think we have a very decent, awesome and super-automated IPv4 BIRD installation now @VIX, still not running productive, but as soon as IPv6 (and some minor tweaking in the webinterface) is done, we are going to run productive, which will be well before Euro-IX in Brussels. 

www.vix.at | www.aco.net
wh at univie.ac.at | WH844-RIPE
Vienna University Computer Center

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