BGP newbie need help

Maciej Drobniuch maciej at
Sun Jul 4 17:27:52 CEST 2010

Hi All!
I have established a bgp session to my isp using bird.
I have one problem. The session works great but it doesn't advertise
my inetnum. I can't find it in the documentation how to define my
inetnum and how to advertise it?

My cfg:
protocol bgp {
#       disabled;
        description "lol";
        local as 51060;
        neighbor as 49895;
#       multihop 20 via;
        hold time 240;
        startup hold time 240;
        connect retry time 120;
        keepalive time 80;      # defaults to hold time / 3
        start delay time 5;     # How long do we wait before initial connect
        error wait time 60, 300;# Minimum and maximum time we wait
after an error (when consecutive
#                               # errors occur, we increase the delay
exponentially ...
        error forget time 300;  # ... until this timeout expires)
#       disable after error;    # Disable the protocol automatically
when an error occurs
#       next hop self;          # Disable next hop processing and
always advertise our local address as nexthop
        path metric 1;          # Prefer routes with shorter paths
(like Cisco does)
        default bgp_med 0;      # MED value we use for comparison when
none is defined
        default bgp_local_pref 0;       # The same for local preference
        source address localip;      # What local address we use for
the TCP connection
#       password "idonotusemd5";     # Password used for MD5 authentication
#       rr client;              # I am a route reflector and the
neighor is my client
#       rr cluster id;  # Use this value for cluster id
instead of my router id
#       export where source=RTS_STATIC;
        export filter {
                if source = RTS_STATIC then {
                        bgp_community = -empty-; bgp_community =
                        bgp_origin = 0;
                        bgp_community = -empty-;
                        if (51060,49895) ~ bgp_community then
                                bgp_community.add((0, 1));
                        if bgp_path ~ [= 51060 =] then
#               accept;

Big thanks !!!!

Maciej Drobniuch

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