Bugfixes in santiago branch

Ondrej Filip feela at network.cz
Fri Mar 13 11:32:01 CET 2009

Vonlanthen, Elmar wrote:
> Hello


> I saw that there are some interesting bugfixes in the santiago branch.
> For example this one:
> http://git.nic.cz/bird/changeset?old_path=%2Fproto%2Fospf%2Fdbdes.c&old=
> a9dc5e1ef2fd08c53bceb54690f6dac83ddf0c81&new_path=%2Fproto%2Fospf%2Fdbde
> s.c&new=a9dc5e1ef2fd08c53bceb54690f6dac83ddf0c81
> Will there be a new bugfix release out soon?

Yes, we are very close to that.

> Or is it safe to use the santiago branch?

No exactly. It adds some new features and a lot of bugfixes. However
we do not guarantee, that the everything will go to the final release
and also the configuration syntax can be changed. (That will probably
happen this time.)

> Because we had some strange issues in OSPF with neighbor states staying
> a long time in "exchange" and missing routes.

As I said, new release will appear very soon.


> Best regards
> Elmar

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